The power of aligning with high-quality news.

What makes NPR stand out from other media platforms? Its attentive, engaged, highly-discerning audience. NPR listeners lean into the stories and programming heard on NPR, and that attentiveness transfers to the brands that support NPR and their sponsorship messages.

Our work with attention research firm Adelaide Metrics found that news websites are higher-attention than the overall website average, and NPR’s highest attention score podcasts are news focused. Download the full report below.

Attention that drives action.


more memorable than traditional radio ads¹


NPR’s news-focused podcasts surpass Adelaide’s attention podcast benchmark²



of listeners agree “I am more attentive to the content when listening to NPR than I am when watching TV”³


of listeners take action in response to an NPR podcast sponsorship announcement

Sources: (1) Neuro-Insight, NPR Radio Effectiveness Study 2018; (2) Adelaide Metrics 2024; (3) Kantar, NPR Sponsorship Survey, March 2024; (4) Kantar, NPR Sponsorship Survey, June 2024

NPR surpasses Adelaide benchmarks.


NPR podcasts outperformed Adelaide’s podcast average


NPR display outperformed Adelaide’s display average

Source: Adelaide Metrics, NPR Attention Audit 2024.

Adelaide’s attention model, which allows for different media placements to be compared in an apples to apples way, demonstrates NPR podcasts’ superior attention versus other media.

Download the Research