Your future customer is waiting to hear from you.

NPR’s audience makes NPR more than just a part of their day, they make it part of their lives. The NPR audience turns to NPR for long-form journalism and storytelling that changes lives. For brands, this means the opportunity to connect with people when they are truly listening.

Image by Allison Shelley

NPR: Leading in Media.

Across platforms, NPR reaches listeners whenever, wherever they are.


weekly NPR audience across platforms¹


and #2 drive time news/talk radio programs in America²


NPR ranks #1 out of 13 news brands for trustworthiness, integrity and respect.³


of listeners agree that NPR provides them with information that other media outlets do not provide⁴

Sources: (1) Internal estimate based on Nielsen Audio, Google Analytics, Comscore, and NPR podcast reporting, September - December 2024; (2) Nielsen Audio Nationwide, Fall 2024; (3) Research Narrative, News Media Brand Study, Fall 2023; (4) NPR Impact Study, July 2019.

Delivering impact, delivering engagement.


of NPR listeners consider NPR “personally important” to them


of NPR listeners take action in response to something heard on NPR


of NPR listeners hold a more positive opinion of companies that support NPR


of NPR listeners prefer to do business with companies that support NPR

Source: Kantar, NPR State of Sponsorship Survey, June 2024.

Data-driven, audience-first solutions.

NPR prioritizes user privacy and compliance in its practices, creating positive user relationships that benefit brands too. Learn more about how our advanced data capabilities can help you reach your ideal audience.
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The NPR Audience Is

  • The NPR audience comprise leaders in the workplace, whether in the private or public sector or their own entrepreneurial ventures.


    more likely to work in top management


    more likely to be a CEO


    more likely to have something they wrote published

    Source: MRI-Simmons Fall 2023 Doublebase, among custom NPR News audience

  • The NPR audience seeks out cultural experiences.


    more likely to have attended an art gallery or show in the past year


    more likely to have visited a museum in the past month


    more likely to read books 2+ times a week

    Source: MRI-Simmons Fall 2023 Doublebase, among custom NPR News audience

  • The NPR audience strives to make a difference in their communities through activism, education, and support of charitable organizations.


    more likely to have contacted a politician at the state, local, or national level


    more likely to have served on a committee for a local organization


    more likely to have volunteered for a charitable organization

    Source: MRI-Simmons Fall 2023 Doublebase, among custom NPR News audience

  • The NPR audience values quality and trusted brands, they’re environmentally conscious and they are thoughtful about their purchases.


    more likely to purchase food labeled as natural or organic


    more likely to participate in environmental groups or causes


    more likely to make financial contributions to arts, cultural or environmental organizations

    Source: MRI-Simmons Fall 2023 Doublebase, among custom NPR News audience

  • The NPR audience enjoys traveling and learning about new places and cultures.


    agree travel is one of their passions


    more likely to be very likely to travel abroad for a vacation in the next year


    more likely to have gone backpacking in the last year

    Source: MRI-Simmons Fall 2023 Doublebase, among custom NPR News audience

  • The NPR audience appreciates the value technology adds to their life and they’re enthusiastic about new developments and advancements like voice activation.


    try to keep up with developments in technology


    more likely to work in a technology-related role


    do as much research as possible before buying electronics

    Source: MRI-Simmons Fall 2023 Doublebase, among custom NPR News audience

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