Be heard where it matters.

For 50 years, NPR has been driven by a mission to “create a more informed public.” Today, that means making its trusted, fact-based journalism and storytelling accessible everywhere people are – from radio to digital platforms and podcasts, to virtual events and voice activation.

Committed to supporting the continued growth of public media, NPR’s sponsorship subsidiary – National Public Media – works to ensure sponsorship is valuable to brands and audiences alike. 

NPR’s audience takes listening to NPR seriously.


NPR is the #1 brand consumers agree “has a purpose I believe in.”¹


of the top 20 podcasts – more than any other publisher.²


and #2 most-listened-to news/talk drive-time radio programs.³


of NPR listeners prefer to do business with brands that support NPR.⁴

Sources: (1) The 2019 Prophet Brand Relevance Index; (2)  Podtrac, 2024, US unique monthly audience; (3) ACT 1 based on Nielsen Audio Nationwide, Fall 2023, Persons 12+ and A25-54; (4) Kantar, NPR State of Sponsorship Survey, June 2023.