
Pumpkins & parties: How podcast users celebrate Halloween

September 2024

Over the past few years, more and more people in America are resuming Halloween activities, with nearly three-quarters of adults last year planning to participate in activities or celebrations around the holiday. The latest Trending Topics release from MRI-Simmons provides insight into how podcast users compare when it comes to celebrating Halloween.


Halloween is a busy time for parents, and podcast users are 11% more likely to have kids age 3-11 at home. In addition to the usual activities like buying candy and costumes, podcast users are more likely than other parents to host a party.


Halloween is not just for kids – podcast users, whether they are parents or not, are more likely to celebrate the holiday by attending (index 127) and hosting (index 127) Halloween parties, going out to bars (126), and buying alcoholic beverages (index 119).

The podcast genre listeners most likely to purchase alcoholic beverages for Halloween celebrations? Sports, Technology, Science, Comedy and Politics:

NPR has the #1 podcasts in Comedy, Technology, Arts, Business, and TV, and shows ranking in the top 3 for Science, News and Music.

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1. MRI-Simmons Trending Topics, Q3 2024
2. Podtrac Category Rankings, August 2024

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