NPR Digital Guidelines
The following guidelines address sponsor messages that appear on NPR’s digital platforms ‒ with the exception of NPR Music (see below) ‒ including audio messages and display banners on the NPR website, in NPR podcasts, in mobile apps, and wherever NPR content travels in the digital realm.
Sponsor messages may include:
- Qualitative language that describe a quality or feature of a product or service, provided it is not overly promotional and is true and accurate
- Comparative language, as long as substantiation for claims is provided, and that the language is not overly promotional or denigrates the competition
- Product and service pricing, provided the language is tasteful
- Reference to free trials or products that are free, and availability of a discount or special offer
- Learn more language directing the user to the sponsor’s website or other source for more information, to redeem a discount or offer, or to purchase an item
- Tracking language such as “promo code NPR,” “offer code NPR” and “coupon code NPR”
Sponsor messages may not include:
- Overly promotional or commercial language
- Language conveying urgency or pressure to take immediate action
- Misleading language or questionable claims
- Language that can be interpreted as an NPR endorsement or testimonial
- Language or design attributes that mimic editorial content
- Overly intrusive animation or visuals
- Views on public issues or references to political candidates or elections
- Health claims
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