NPR podcasts feature 30 second and/or 15 second mid-roll options in all of our popular podcast titles, which can be baked in to the episode or served dynamically. All mid-rolls are surrounded on both sides by NPR content, are voiced by trusted NPR voices, and often feature a music bed. Our baked-in midrolls offer sponsors the opportunity to “own” a mid-roll slot in an episode for four weeks at 100% SOV, as well as a large number of impressions delivered over a short period of time for maximum impact. Our dynamic mid-rolls present the opportunity to leverage a breadth of targeting options, third-party tracking, and various attribution tools.
15 seconds, 30 seconds
10 business days
Copy must be vetted and approved by NPR legal
All audio read by NPR Talent
NPR preamble required
No re-records
15 seconds, 30 seconds
5 days
DCM 1×1 tracking pixels; other third party vendors with approval only
Copy must be vetted and approved by NPR legal
All audio read by NPR Talent
NPR preamble required
No re-records
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NPR Podcast listeners download an average of 6.5 hours of podcasts/week – add our other podcast sponsorship options to your campaign to maximize your impact!