
NPR App Audio

Available for: Audio, Mobile, Display

The NPR app puts your brand in front of users who engage deeply with NPR content. Reach them while they’re tuned in to a continuous on-demand listening experience.

Premium newscast position shares your brand’s audio message following the 3-minute NPR news update that plays when a listener launches the NPR app audio. In between stories, NPR app users hear additional :15 sponsorship messages paired with a branded clickable banner.


NPR App Audio:

15-second script

Audio Creative Requirements:

Copy must be vetted and approved by NPR legal
All audio read by NPR Talent
NPR preamble required
No re-records

Serving Options:


Tracking Capabilities:

DCM tracking pixel and click trackers; other vendors with approval only


5 business days

NPR App Audio:

15-second script

Companion Banner (Optional):


Banner File Size:


Banner Animation:


Audio Creative Requirements:

Copy must be vetted and approved by NPR legal
All audio read by NPR Talent
NPR preamble required
No re-records

Banner Creative Requirements:

.JPG or .PNG
HTTPS compliant
Banner must have border

Serving Options:


Tracking Capabilities:

DCM tracking pixel and click trackers; other vendors with approval only


5 business days