The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) is working to support the state’s long-term economic prosperity by investing in communities and enabling the growth of good jobs.
To highlight the innovations underway in Michigan, MEDC partnered with NPM Creative to share insights from their Chief Mobility Officer, Trevor Pawl. In a full Soundscape and custom mid-rolls, Trevor spoke to the state’s ability to build and scale new technologies, helping to drive groundbreaking transportation improvements throughout Michigan—and beyond.
Full Soundscapes
How Michigan Hopes To Make Transportation Safer—And More Equitable
Soundscape Mid-Rolls
A Tradition Of Firsts
[NPM Voice Talent] Support for NPR and the following message come from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, working to drive Michigan forward. Michigan’s Chief Mobility Officer Trevor Pawl reflects on Michigan’s history of mobility innovation, and how it drives them to innovate today: [Trevor] The history of mobility innovation in Michigan is rich. Paved roads, the first mile of concrete was in Detroit. Three colored traffic signals, first four way signal. But the thing is, we’re still doing stage setting moments here in Michigan. Whether it’s the first self-driving vehicle legislation in the US allowing for self-driving vehicles on public roads, that’s Michigan. The first road dedicated to self-driving cars, which we just announced a few weeks ago between Detroit to Ann Arbor and actually the first automated parking demo just a few weeks ago. So you can literally get out of your car in the car park itself. So the things that we were doing 100 years ago, we’re still doing today. The tradition continues. [NPM Voice Talent] To get started go to Michigan Business [dot] org [slash] M – I – mobility.
Designing Mobility For Community
[NPM Voice Talent] Support for NPR and the following message come from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, working to drive Michigan forward. Michigan’s Chief Mobility Officer Trevor Pawl shares why their innovations around mobility are designed to help communities: [Trevor] We’re just becoming an easier and better place to move around. So many of these innovations, by laying the tracks now, Michigan will be the first place that a lot of these technologies roll out. And on top of that, it can just make communities function better. It can allow you through dynamic routing to get to your job a little quicker; also remove mobility barriers. It assures that we’re not just creating tech for tech sake, meaning: taking all of these cool solutions and actually bringing them into people’s lives and to continue to put Michigan on the map, not just now, but over the next hundred years. [NPM Voice Talent] To get started go to Michigan Business [dot] org [slash] M – I – mobility.
Building The Road Of The Future
[NPM Voice Talent] Support for NPR and the following message come from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Michigan’s Chief Mobility Officer Trevor Pawl is proud of the innovative work that is taking place in Michigan: [Trevor] There are a couple of things right now that we’re really excited about at the Office of Future Mobility and Electrification, one of the first being that we’re actually building “the road of the future.” It was announced back in August of 2020. And we are working with the Michigan Department of Transportation and we’re actually designing a self-driving vehicle corridor between Detroit and Ann Arbor, one of the state’s most busy and important routes. It’ll be a public laneway designated to self-driving electric vehicles, and it’ll be created to improve access to safe and equitable transportation. [NPM Voice Talent] To get started go to Michigan Business [dot] org [slash] M – I – mobility.